CCleaner (All Editions) 5.46.6652 + Crack

CCleaner (All Editions) 5.46.6652

CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files, search strings, files, Recycle Bin, etc.
Also search for temporary files of third-party applications: Firefox, Opera, Media Player and many others.

Features :

  • CCleaner cleans the following components:
    – Internet Explorer
    – Cart
    – The Clipboard
    – Temporary Windows files
    – Windows Logs
    – The list of recent documents (in the Start menu)
    – The history of executed commands (Start)
    – The history of the assistant search in Windows XP
    – Obsolete Data Prefetch in Windows XP
    – Memory dumps after crashes Windows
    – Chkdsk file fragments
  • Advanced options allow you to clean:
    – The cache priority menu
    – Cash Tray posts
    – The cache sizes and locations Windows
    – The history of aid to the user
    – IIS log files
    – Additional Folders

CCleaner (All Editions) 5.46.6652


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